Aldrich® cold-finger condenser
Aldrich® corrosive lecture-bottle gas regulator
Aldrich® in-line oil bubbler with SafetyBarb® hose connectors
Aldrich® non-corrosive lecture-bottle gas regulator
Aldrich® reverse-flow bubbler with SafetyBarb® hose connectors
铝箔, Aluminum foil
Biohazard disposal stand
Clavies® biohazard autoclave gloves
Clavies® 生物危害高压灭菌手套
Cochranes molecular models
Cochranes 分子模型
Cryoware labels, plain
Disposable beakers
Dounce 组织研磨棒, Dounce tissue grinder pestle
Dressing tissue forceps
Dry-box glove/sleeve assembly