Keratinocyte Basal Medium for fetal and neonatal cells (500 ml)
Keratinocyte Serum-Free Growth Medium for fetal and neonatal cells (500 ml)
Kimble® 33 Expansion Tubular Borosilicate Glass Serum Vial Without Closure
Lacey Carbon Supported Copper Grids
Lacey Carbon Supported Gold Grid
Lacey Carbon Supported Gold Grids
Lacey Carbon Supported Nickel Grids
LY 294002
Malachite Green Solution A
MEK2 Protein, inactive, 50 g
MesoEndo Cell Growth Medium without Phenol Red (500 ml)
Microvascular Endothelial Cell Growth Supplements (30ml)
Mouse IgG2a Isotype Control (C1.18.4) Colorwheel® Dye-Ready mAb