Operator Certification for Automatic Filter Integrity Testing
Immobilon-P PVDF Membrane
Milliflex® Essential Performance Qualification Consultancy-By Request
Aerosol Monitor, 37 mm, mixed cellulose esters, 0.45 μm, white, with pad
MultiScreen Sealing Tape, opaque, non-sterile
AxyPrep filtration plate, with a 20 micron PE frit
Ultrafree®-MC Centrifugal Filter
Millistak+® Depth Filter in μPOD format
Millistak+ 深层过滤器,μPod 格式,F0HC 介质系列,23 cm2 表面积,鲁尔接头连接
金纳米颗粒, Gold nanoparticles
Lectin from Ulex europaeus-Atto 594 conjugate