用于 Agilent/HP 7673 和 7683 自动进样器的 SGE 注射器(配有可拆卸针头), SGE Syringes for Agilent/HP 7673 and 7683 Autosampler, Removable Needle
Hamilton® needles for LT and TLL syringes
用于 Luer 针头和带 TLL 锁定器进样针的 Hamilton® 针头
Visikol® HISTO-2TM
Myeloperoxidase (EP151) Rabbit Monoclonal Primary Antibody
NSE (MRQ-55) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody
Hirschmann® measuring cylinders, Class A
Lenz® Bistabil® separating funnel
Lenz® Squibb separating funnel
Lenz® dropping funnel with pressure equalizing arm
PTFE-coated spatulas