A 10 nm thin formvar film supported Single Hole grids. Copper grid, 75 micron hole size. All of our film is laid on the shiny side of the grid.
Formvar/Carbon Supported Copper Grids
Formvar/Carbon Supported Nickel Grids
Grid storage box
Hamster IgG Isotype Control (PIP) ColorWheel® Dye-Ready mAb
Holey Carbon Film Supported Gold Grids
Human Cardiac Fibroblasts: HCF, fetal
Human Osteoblast Growth Medium (500ml)
Keratinocyte Basal Medium for fetal and neonatal cells (500 ml)
Kimble® 33 Expansion Tubular Borosilicate Glass Serum Vial Without Closure
Lacey Carbon Supported Copper Grids