A 10 nm thin formvar film supported standard copper square mesh grids. Copper grid, 300 mesh. All of our film is laid on the shiny side of the grid.
H2A.X Phosphorylation Assay Kit (Flow Cytometry)
High Salt Immune Complex Wash Buffer
Holey Carbon Film Supported Nickel Grids
Human Marrow Stromal Cell Growth Medium (500 ml)
IHC Select HRP Detection Set, (Blocking Reagent, Biotinylated linking Riagent and SA_HRP), Prediluted
Keratinocyte Growth Supplements for Keratinocyte Calcium-Free Growth Medium (5 ml-3 parts)
Kimble® 33 Expansion Tubular Borosilicate Glass Serum Vial Without Closure
Lacey Carbon Supported Copper Grids
Lacey Carbon Supported Gold Grid
Lacey Carbon Supported Nickel Grids