A 10 nm thin formvar film supported Single Hole grids. Nickel grid, 100 micron hole size. All of our film is laid on the shiny side of the grid.
Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells: HAOSMC, fetal
Human Osteoblast Basal Medium (500ml)
JNK3/SAPK1b Protein, inactive, 50 g
Kimble® 33 Expansion Tubular Borosilicate Glass Serum Vial Without Closure
Lacey Carbon Supported Copper Grids
Lacey Carbon Supported Copper Tomography Grid R14C2
Lacey Carbon Supported Nickel Grid
LiCl Immune Complex Wash Buffer
MAP Kinase 2/Erk2 Protein, inactive, Human, 50 g
MesoEndo Cell Growth Medium without Antibiotics (500ml)