Pro-survival Compound, DDD00033325-Calbiochem
ProClinTM 200
Propyl gallate for ID and assay
Proteinase K, recombinant, PCR Grade
Proteomix® SAX-NP10 Strong Anion Exchange Column
Proteomix® SAX-NP3 Strong Anion Exchange Column
Proteomix® SCX-NP1.7 Strong Cation Exchange Guard Cartridge and Holder
Proteomix® SCX-NP5 Strong Cation Exchange Column
Proteomix® WAX-NP10 Weak Anion Exchange Column
Proteomix® WAX-NP3 Weak Anion Exchange Column
Proteomix® WAX-NP5 Weak Anion Exchange Column
Proteomix® WCX-NP3 Weak Cation Exchange Guard Cartridge and Holder
PTFE for PM2.5 Particle Monitoring, PTFE, hydrophobic, 2.0 μm, 47 mm, white, plain, polypropylene ring, sequential serial number
PTP Inhibitor IV-CAS 329317-98-8-Calbiochem